Plant Spirit Medicine


“I recommend Plant Spirit Medicine as an effective modality for those ready to make that powerful next step in their healing process.” – Melody Harris, Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner

Our world today is face-paced, commanding much of our time, focus, and stamina in order to meet the demands of our busy lives. The hectic pace of work, family, school–even our recreational activities can deplete our reserves, leaving us feeling drained and restless in both body and spirit.

Plant Spirit Medicine, a powerful yet subtle healing modality that is rooted in indigenous plant spirit healing and Five Element Acupuncture, is a unique system of hands-on healing designed to clear blockages and improve energy flow.  Plant Spirit Medicine has been a natural fit for Melody Harris, a 20+ year practitioner of the healing arts that includes training in Reiki I, II, & III. She is also certified in Soul Coaching(R), and as an Angel Therapy Practitioner(R).

During her two-year course in Plant Spirit Medicine, Melody deeply resonated with the idea that traditional cultures have long understood; that both nature and humankind are endowed with intelligence and spirit. The plants willingly give us what we need to live  more balanced, joyful lives.

Pitcher borderWhat to Expect: During treatment, care is given to fully assess the needs and health concerns of the client. Initially, a thorough health history is taken for each new client (a process taking anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes) in order to assess their goals and needs. Melody treats each client as an individual, with unique qualities, health concerns, and needs, and then custom designs a treatment program utilizing the specific plant spirits most helpful in restoring balance and harmony to the client.

Some of the benefits that clients have reported after receiving Plant Spirit Medicine: “I feel calmer, more at peace.”  “I can sleep through the night without waking up tossing and turning.” “I feel more like myself.” “I still have difficult things happen, but now I’m not so overwhelmed. I feel like I have the strength to handle them.” “Before (PSM) treatment I was never able to fully grieve my losses.”

Over a period of time, both the client and the practitioner will notice improvements. Spirit and mind are strengthened and soothed, allowing the body to heal. The client develops an ability to maintain more emotional and spiritual balance.  Even after restoration, seasonal treatments are recommended in order to keep the client in optimum balance throughout life’s changes and challenges.

About Melody:


As a Plant Spirit Medicine Lay Spiritual Healer, Melody Harris is recognized by the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing. Plant Spirit Medicine practitioners call upon the spirits of the plants to bring balance and harmony to their patients, removing whatever may be standing in their way as they endeavor to live joyful, balanced lives. Plant Spirit Medicine recognizes that all living beings have a spirit and further, that by treating the spirit of a person, balance can be restored. It is a hands-on-healing approach during which the medicine of the Plant Spirits is transmitted energetically to the client through the hands of the practitioner.

Throughout the years, Melody’s love for the plants and the land drew her interest into many related fields such as; nutrition, essential oils, herbalism, flower essences, homeopathic remedies, and, more recently, to the arts of Sacred Landscaping and Plant Spirit Medicine.

Through her work in Plant Spirit Medicine and Sacred Landscaping, Melody has more deeply awakened to the necessity of really listening to what the natural world has to say to us. She became convinced that, only by relating to the land (and the plant families that live there) as living, breathing beings, can we create environments that are not only filled with beauty, but self-sustaining and nourishing to all. In this way, we as individuals can begin to heal the desecration and depletion of, not only mind, body, and spirit, but of the Earth itself.

To Make An Appointment: Melody is available in the Northwest Florida Panhandle area for Plant Spirit Medicine treatments. She also offers Distance Healing Sessions for those not available for in-person treatments. Her Distance Sessions incorporate the healing power of the plant spirits. To schedule an appointment or for more information on Plant Spirit Medicine contact Melody at: or by phone at (850) 543-5307

Melody invites you to LIKE her Facebook page Plant Spirit Medicine by Melody

5 thoughts on “Plant Spirit Medicine

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